Neuroplasticity. Let’s break the word down into it’s root components. Neuro refers to nerves or nerve cells….the building blocks of the brain. And plasticity (from the Latin, plasticus, which means molding) refers to the ability of a substance to be molded or formed.
This well-proven characteristic of the brain, it’s neuroplasticity, is the basis of ALL stroke rehab, after the first month or so of recovery.
There are approximately 100 billion neurons in the brain. When somewhere between 1 and 2 billion of these neurons are damaged in a typical stroke, the brain is capable of using it’s neuroplasticity to create new connections between neurons. How? Through repetitive practice (physical and mental practice).
A common phrase used for this concept is “Neurons that fire together wire together.” We are constantly shaping and molding the connections of our neurons. But since we usually take the pathway of least resistance (do the same things, in the same ways, over and over and over) we typically don’t see much change in the way our brains move our bodies. But ask somebody who plays the piano or violin, and you will find out that the way her brain moves her fingers now is COMPLETELY different from the way her brain moved her fingers before she learned to play that instrument. The precise finger motions that once seemed impossible are now effortless. What made her brain change? FOCUS and REPETITION. Those are the keys to neuroplasticity.