Motomed – movement therapy devices for stroke rehab

Motomed – movement therapy devices for stroke rehab

Motomed – movement therapy for stroke rehab

one version of the motomed, available at

Motomed Therapy systems are produced by a company in germany called Reck.  They have various models of the Motomed, some which seem to operate much like a stationary bicycle, and others that combine arm cycling and even functional electrical stimulation.  They have several features that make them much more sutiable for stroke rehab than a traditional stationary bicycle.  For example, the machine gives various levels of assistance with the motion, depending on the degree of weakness present.  The foot pedals are designed to support the foot and not allow slipping due to leg weakness.

A study published in a journal called Neurologie & Rehabilitation in 2005, which found that use of the Motomed improved walking after a stroke.  (click on the journal name for direct link)


There are two different reasons you might want to perform regular exercise with some type of exercise device like the motomed after a stroke:

  1. To drive neuroplasticity, and the return of muscle function in your arm or leg.  Read “What is Neuroplasticity,” for more information.
  2. For general conditioning, and the benefits that will bring to your stroke recovery.  Read “Stimulate Stroke Recovery Through Exercise...” for more information on one of the benefits of general conditioning.

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